Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday funnies, is this real life?

This morning Ben had to have a scan done on his gallbladder to tell us if he needs to have it removed or not. As we were walking into the building he says something about it being an hour and a half appointment... Thats cool, I only rushed to get Brody to daycare and skipped breakfast so I could get here on time, thinking it would be a quick appointment. Um no. Needless to say I was a little hungry and bored. 

So I started browsing the "humor" section of Pinterest. He had to lay under this machine thing that resembled a small space ship and couldn't move so I showed him all of the funny ones and we had some good laughs. 

And finally I will leave you with one of my favorite videos ever.


  1. I hope everything is alright with the gall bladder and the appointment was okay!! And I love that video, hahaha. "Why is this happening?!" There are so many good quotes from that kid, like...the whole video! bahaha. Thanks for putting this up. :) I hadn't seen it in forever.

    1. Thank you Abbey! We won't find out results until next week. So now we just wait =(
      And I LOVE that video. I die every single time I watch it! =)

  2. I love Modern Family. Thanks for the Friday laughs!!

    1. Modern Family is my absolute FAVORITE show ever! =)

  3. HAHAHAHA these are hilarious! I LOVE modern family...and I love those Willy Wonka things! This is such a cute and fun idea!

    1. Thank you Ali! The Willy Wonka ones are my fav! I could read those all day long! =)

  4. Oh I love your funnies! Thanks for the giggles :) You should link up your Friday Funnies at she hosts a Friday Funnies link up

    1. I had no idea there was a link up! Although I should have known there are link ups for practically everything else! Haha, thanks Audrey!

  5. I love modern family and anti-joke rooster!

    And I've pinned that animal/person one before - it's so true! :)

    Stopping by from BYB Blog Hop!
